Scientific transfer of the results of INTERNational ASsessments in the field of earth and environment into the German political context

Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Meeresforschung

Project leader: Dr. Heidi Wittmer

Project staff: Augustin Berghöfer, David Kreuer, Dorothea Schwarzer

Project coordination: UFZ

Project partners: Alfred Wegener Instistute Helmholtz-Centre for Polar and Marine-Research (AWI)

Duration: April 2018 − August 2021

Budget UFZ: 218,468€

Funding agency: Helmholtz Association

Short summary

With its participatory dialogue-oriented advisory approach, INTERNAS wants to better present current international assessments and their analyses, options for action and their political significance for national policy advice in order to make them more usable and applicable. In this way, the implementation of the UN sustainability goals at national and international level should be strengthened at the same time. For this purpose, a standardized process of transferring international assessments into the German policy context with the involvement of relevant stakeholders will be carried out and established as a uniform process.

Role of UFZ

Furthermore, the process is analyzed by an intensive accompanying research, among other things it is supported by the creation of digital knowledge representations (ontologies), which locate the scientific outputs on the 'SDG roadmap' in the national context. Through the application of ontologies, a central contribution for the development of measurable and representable criteria and indicators for good transfer processes will be developed, which might be applied far beyond Helmholtz.

Contact person:

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Dr. Heidi Wittmer
Phone: +49 341 235 1629

Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research - AWI
Dr. Gesche Krause
Phone: +49 471 4831 1631