Model Driven Site Assessment, Information and Control
Contact Person: Dr. Ulrike Werban
The implementation of MOSAIC aims to enhance the capabilities and expertise of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ in the investigation and observation of natural and anthropogenically influenced systems. The innovative mapping and monitoring technologies of MOSAIC enable high-resolution surveys of complex subsurface structures and processes.
The basic concept of MOSAIC is founded on the combination of already existing, non-invasive methods in areas such as drilling, geophysical measurements, and analytical methods. In addition to advanced Direct Push technologies and a borehole logging unit, there is also a field lab and a mobile floating platform available.
MOSAIC is a new platform for research in the areas of groundwater, soil, and biodiversity, aiming to achieve a quantum leap in the quality, efficiency, and speed of test site investigations.
- Development of monitoring and exploration technologies
- Parameterization of environmental system for process studies
- Platform for joint research of UFZ with universities and other research institutions
- Technology transfer (summer schools, pilot studies)
- direct push-driven technologies (e.g., in situ imaging)
- Geophysical surfaces methods(e.g. seismics, geoelectrics, electromagnetic induction, georadar),
- Tomographic and borehole methods(e.g. hydraulic, georadar, seismic, geoelectrics)
- Hydrogeological methods (e.g. pumping tests, tracer tests)
- Methods of onsite analysis.

Examples of application are, among others, characterization of mega sites, investigation of catchment areas, characterization of aquifers, investigation and remediation of mining lakes, investigation of contaminated sites.