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transfun® funding programme

“The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones.” John Maynard Keynes

The transfun® funding programme, launched at the UFZ in 2022, promotes cooperation between UFZ researchers and companies to quickly solve environmental problems and develop products. One focus is on the involvement of mentors from industry who contribute their market experience.

transfun® process

So far, 31 transfun® projects have been funded, including two for which license agreements have been signed to commercialise software solutions. One software solution helps with the optimal allocation of wind turbines, while the other supports the management of toxicological test results for approval tests.

Other transfun® projects are aimed at bringing new bio-based manufacturing processes to market, as well as tools for assessing the risks of chemicals, and information systems for environmental issues. The funding programme also supports three new spin-off initiatives at the UFZ, which are expected to enter the market in the coming years.

Together with you, we want to work towards a sustainable future and conserve valuable resources. Take this opportunity to develop your idea with us!

Current transfun® projects:

LigNylon Sustainable Production of Nylon

PAULY – An innovative platform for the prediction of physicochemical properties

ZeoPFAS – On-site regenerable zeolite adsorber for the removal of per- and polyfluorinated chemicals (PFAS) from waste water

EmPreChem – Empowering pregnant women through awareness about potential risks of environmental chemicals: app-based approach

ClimAID – A Prototype for Climate AI Dashboard

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