Harnessing the potential of trees-on-farms for meeting national and global biodiversity targets (Trees on Farms)

Project leader

Dr. Julian Rode

Yves Zinngrebe (NSF)

Employees involved


2020 − 2022

Budget UFZ


Funding agency


Project coordination

International Center for Agroforestry (ICRAF)

Project Partners

Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñza (CATIE), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Leibnitz Universität Hannover

Short summary

The Trees on Farms (TonF) project works with governments, local communities and other stakeholdersis aiming to achieve awareness of the role trees on farms can play in biodiversity conservation in Peru, Indonesia, Honduras, Uganda and Rwanda. Our rationale is simple – trees play a critical role in contributing to biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes through in-situ conservation, by connecting fragmented wild habitats and providing steppingstones between protected area networks and conserving soil biodiversity and agrobiodiversity.

Role of UFZ

UFZ developed and applied a methodology for identifying incentive and finance options for trees on agricultural land, primarily in case studies in Uganda and Peru.


Rode, J., Muñoz Escobar, M., Khan, S., Borasino, E., Kihumuro, P., Okia, C., Robiglio, V., Zinngrebe, Y., (2023), Providing targeted incentives for trees on farms: A transdisciplinary research methodology applied in Uganda and Peru, Earth System Governance 16, 100172, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esg.2023.100172

Muñoz Escobar, M., Zinngrebe, Y., Borasino Deustua, E., Vaccari Paz, B., Rode, J. (2022), Incentive and finance instruments For Trees on Farms - Instrument portfolio and recommendations for integrated implementation in Peru, Project report for the “Trees on Farms for Biodiversity” project, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) and International Centre for Agroforestry ICRAF).

Rode, J., Khan, S., Kihumuro, P., Okia, C., Zinngrebe, Y. (2022), Incentive and finance instruments For Trees on Farms - Instrument portfolio and recommendations for integrated implementation in Uganda, Project report for the “Trees on Farms for Biodiversity” project, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) and International Centre for Agroforestry ICRAF).

Rode, J., Zinngrebe, Y., Muñoz Escobar, M., Khan, S., Vaccari Paz, B. (2022), Incentive and Finance Instruments for Trees on Farms - A guidebook for identifying instruments and conditions for their integrated implementation, Project deliverable for the “Trees on Farms for Biodiversity” project, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ).