EMAS revalidation 2024 and publication of the Environmental Statement 2023
The Environmental Statement 2023 is now available on the Internet. It provides information on the environmental performance and the environmental protection measures implemented at the UFZ in 2023 and those planned for the future.
As this is an updated version, it is only available in German. The comprehensive Consolidated Environmental Statement 2022 is available in English.
Read Environmental Statement 2022 as ePaper
The PDF version of the Updated Environmental Statement 2023 (only in German) is available in the archive:
Environmental Statements 2004 - 2023
For the 20th time an external auditor assessed the UFZ according to the currently most demanding environmental management system EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) for the continuous improvement of environmental performance. As a result, the UFZ is entitled to further use the EMAS logo and make the environmental statement available to the public.
The audit
The two-day assessment of the UFZ’s locations in Magdeburg and Leipzig in June 2024 was successful. The intensive transfer of research results to society and politics as well as the sensitivity and professional knowledge of the associated direct and indirect negative environmental impacts were again positively highlighted. In addition, the exemplary internal communication, awareness raising and participation of the employees in environmental management, their extremely high identification with the goals of the environmental management system, the work of the environmental committee, its working groups and the environmental management coordinator, the commitment, competence and openness of the interviewed persons as well as the exemplary proximity of the management to environmental management were appreciated. The auditor gave helpful hints as well as recommendations for improving the management system and the environmental performance, which motivate us to continue advancing environmental protection at the UFZ.
The environmental statement
The environmental statement provides information on developments, overriding goals and concrete measures to improve the environmental performance of the UFZ in the priority areas of climate; energy; mobility; resources; biodiversity; internal communication, participation and awareness-building as well as the exercise of a multiplier function.With the Updated Environmental Statement 2023, we now provide information on the measures that have been implemented and the further activities that we would like to implement in the future. In addition, we report on changes and further developments in our organizational structure and the relevant environmental indicators for 2023 and their development.
All previous environmental statements are archived under the following link (except for the Environmental Statement 2022 all are in German only):
Environmental Statements 2004 - 2023