Forschungsgründach in Leipzig. Foto: André Künzelmann/UFZ

Occupational Environmental Protection at the UFZ (EMAS)

The UFZ is one of the world’s leading research centres in the field of environmental research. It demonstrates ways in which a sustainable use of our natural resource base is possible for the benefit of both humankind and the environment. Therefore, as a research institution, we have a great responsibility to keep our own environmental impacts as low as possible.

For this reason, the UFZ decided back in 2002 to establish the European Union's demanding environmental management system EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) in-house, and to voluntarily do more to protect the environment than is required by law. The aim of EMAS is the continuous improvement of corporate environmental performance. This is verified annually by an independent environmental auditor and transparently documented in an annual environmental statement [Archive Environmental Statements].

Examples of occupational environmental protection at the UFZ

Information Photovoltaikanlage Gebäude 6.1 Photovoltaikanlage Gebäude 7.1
Inbetriebnahme 17.06.2011 17.06.2011
Modultyp Siliken 235 Wp mit polykristallinen Solarzellen Fassade: Scheuten Optisol S10 256 Wp
mit multikristallinen Solarzellen;
Dach: Scheuten Multisol M5-96 230 Wp mit monokristallinen Solarzellen
Gesamtfläche 120 m2 85 m2
Modul-Wirkungsgrad 12,3 % 13,4 %
Leistung Die Leistung der Anlage beträgt rund 15.000 kWh/Jahr. Dies entspricht dem Jahresverbrauch von etwa 185 Rechner-Plätzen. Die Leistung der Anlage beträgt 11.000 kWh/Jahr. Dies entspricht dem Jahresverbrauch von etwa 135 Rechner-Plätzen.