Die Career Coffee Talks finden regelmäßig jeweils am letzten Donnerstag eines Monats von 13:30 bis 14:30 Uhr statt. Nach einem kurzen Impulsvortrag besteht die Möglichkeit, sich auszutauschen und zu vernetzen.
Eine Anmeldung für die Veranstaltungen ist nicht erforderlich. Wir senden den Einwahllink ein paar Tage vor dem jeweiligen Coffee Talk über die Postdoc-Mailingliste zu.
Programm 2025
30. Januar (Online)
Getting Started In Industry: Tips for a Successful Transition from Academia
(in cooperation with GFZ)
Find more information and register here
28. November (Online)
The German Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (WissZeitVG) -
Academic Fixed-Term Contracts
(Katharina Lemke)
24. Oktober (Online)
Communicate with Impact: How to Deliver Your Message Clearly
(Dr. Cornelia Altenburg)
27. Juni (Online)
I Want Your Feedback! - How to Give and Receive Constructive Criticism
(Stephan Pfob - Berlin Alley GmbH)
23. Mai (Online)
Using LinkedIn's Big Data - How to connect and enhance your visibility
(Dr. Maia George)
25. April (Online)
Micropolitics in Academia: Navigating Power Play
(Sibyl Schädeli)
21. März (Online)
Career Paths to a Professorship in Germany
(Katharina Helmig)
29. Februar (Online)
How to turn science into a story
(Tim Schröder)
25. Januar (Online)
How to Get into the German Job Market
- Crucial Facts for Planning your Career in Germany
(Dr. Philippa Cook)
30. November (Online)
Typical Job Interview Questions Outside Academia
(Meike Schoon)
26. Oktober (in Präsenz)
UFZ, KUBUS, Saal 2
Embracing Life's Surprises #Resilience #Self-Leadership
29. Juni (online)
Fuel Your Research: Unlocking Funding Strategies!
(Sabine Preusse)
25. Mai (in Präsenz: Gebäude 4.0, Raum 101)
Hidden champion: Becoming an “FH Professor”
(Gäste: Carolin Helbig, Marianne Darbi - Hochschule Geisenheim)
27. April (online)
You are qualified and competent - your audience should hear, see and feel that!
(Katharina Padleschat)
30. März (online)
Years not lost: how to stay employable in academia and other work environments
(Dr. Karin Bodewits)
23. Februar (online)
Riddled with decisions: tips to cope with uncertainty
(Vicent Botella-Soler)
24. November (13:30 - 14:30)
Such a fake? – How to deal with Imposter Phenomenon!
27. Oktober (13:30 - 14:30 pm)
How to survive as an introvert in a world of constant performance
(Anne Mazuga)
30. Juni (13:30 - 14:30 pm)
Into the Jungle! – Appointment procedures at German Universities
(Matthias Schwarzkopf)
Who’s afraid of center stage? – Gaining recognition as a female scientist
(Valery Forbes)
28. April
Reality check - Tenure at the UFZ
(Dr. Frank Messner, ZENCO)
14 April (1:30 to 2:30 pm)
Solving conflicts in academic environment
(Gerhard Hartmuth)
24. Februar
Never walk alone - Find your mentor!
(Fanny Sarrazin)
27. Januar
It's a match! How to find a career that fits your personal strenghts
(Career Center)
Eine Übersicht zu den vergangenen Veranstaltungen der ehemaligen Reihe "Career Lunch" können hier eingesehen werden:
28. Januar |
How to relax during Home Office Anja Baran (ZENCO) |
25. Februar |
Special challenges for international postdocs Barbara Timmels (International Office) Prof. Dr. habil. Lorenz Adrian (Kollegiale Departmentleitung, Umwelttechnologie) Dr. Chang Ding (Department Umweltbiotechnologie) |
25. März |
Brainfood for Postdocs Caroline Laakmann und Marie-Sophie Kastl (Career Center) |
29. April |
Parenthood and Science Ines Thronicker (Gleichstellungsbeauftragte) Antje Grusa (Familienbüro) |
27. Mai |
Team Roles: What is my contribution to teamwork & why is it so hard sometimes? Anne Mazuga (Career Center) |
24. Juni |
Postdocs Unite! How to set up a Postdoc Association? Rose Burden (MDC Postdoc Office) Giovanna Diletta Ielacqua (MCD Postdoc Association) Desislava Boegner (AWI PostDocTeam) Cara Nissen (AWI PostDocTeam) Rose Burden
Diletta Ielacqua Desislava
Bögner Cara Nissen
29. Juli |
Get Your Digital Conversation Started - Tips and Tricks for Online Networking Elena und Martin R. Lichtenthaler Elena and Martin are seasoned improvisers and applied improvisation consultants. They have worked with various Helmholtz Research Centres, the Junge Akademie, the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and San Quentin State Prison. |
19. Oktober |
Alumni*ae-Talk ... mit Daniel Reißmann During his doctorate, Daniel was already working at the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt – UBA) in parallel. Today, still working at UBA, he continues to work at UFZ as a visiting scientist. Take the opportunity to ask Daniel questions about his career so far or how do you apply best for a job at the German Environment Agency. |
25. November |
Inclusiveness – How do we foster empowerment and innovation in our teams? Nina Bessing Nina Bessing is a communication trainer, coach and organizational developer. As a trainer and coach she is specialized in the field of unconscious bias, inclusive leadership, powerful communication, personal growth and branding. As an organizational developer her expertise lies in the topics of women in management positions and diversity management. Nina Bessing has conducted diversity trainings for Deutsche Bahn, BASF, Porsche, FU Berlin, TU Berlin, Investitionsbank Berlin, Landesbank Berlin, Caritas, Deutsche Telekom and many other organizations. She worked for more than ten years as a project manager and division manager in research. |