Water Analytics & Chemometrics

Ingenieurin bei der Arbeit im AAS-Labor

Head: PD Dr. Wolf von Tümpling

Mail: wolf.vontuempling@ufz.de
Tel.: ++49 - 391 - 810 9300
Fax: ++49 - 391 - 810 9150

Central water analytics & chemometrics
Brueckstrasse 3a
39114 Magdeburg

With the concentrated analytical competence in the unit analytical results are delivered demand and project oriented and with a quality according to the GLP. Method adaptation and their validation in a pre-request phase as well as chemometrical data analysis and assessment are included.

Apart from the analyses for the own department special analytical and chemometrical investigation are performed also for other departments of the UFZ and external customers.

Own research activities of the scientists are done in the context of the emphasis of the UFZ to investigate the behavior of heavy metals, nutrients and organic trace organic trace pollutants in waters.