FRAP - Framework for biodiversity Reconciliation Action Plans



WP1 is dedicated to project co-ordination. In the first phase, the ecological basis of the conflict is assessed in relation to landscape factors (WP2) and diet and loss of commercial fish (WP3).

The socio-economic analyses addresses the relevant legal and institutional frameworks at the international and national levels (WP4), regional economics and policy (WP5), and mitigation efforts and stakeholder actions at the local level (WP6).

The second phase addresses ecological and socio-economic mitigation strategies and their integration. WP7 evaluates existing ecological mitigation strategies in terms of their ecological efficacy and cost-effectiveness. WP8 analyses the consequences of various management scenarios on the population viability of the targeted species. WP9 develops a conflict reducing mix of policy instruments and suggestions for its implementation. WP10 designs participatory decision strategies and gives recommendations for effective stakeholder interactions.

The WP2-10 produce one module as their main deliverable each, representing each WP's contribution to the overall generic framework.
Finally, WP11 synthesises these modules into a procedural framework for reconciliation action plans and further concentrates on the dissemination of the results to stakeholders and the public.