Dr. PD Bertram Boehrer
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Department Lake Research
Brueckstrasse 3a
39114 Magdeburg
office 340 (main building)
phone: +49 391 - 810 9441

Fields of interest
- stratification and transport in lakes
- meromixis
- gas pressure
- internal waves
- mine pit lakes
Publication topics
- stratification and deep circulation of lakes
- gases and gas pressure
- internal waves
- development of mine lakes
Current teaching
spring break
Block course on Physical Limnology at the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy of the Heidelberg University
practical limnophsics excursion
Environmental consultant
Curriculum Vitae:
since 2010 teaching staff at the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Heidelberg
since 1998 heading the limnophysics work group, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Department Lake Research
1996 - 1998 Postdoc in UFZ-section Inland Waters
1991 - 1996 Ph.D. (doctorate) at The University of Western Australia, Centre for Water Research
1989 - 1990 Masters thesis at Inst. for Environmental Physics of the Univ. of Heidelberg and Limnological Inst. Konstanz
1984 - 1990 tertiary physics education at Heidelberg University
- member of DPG (env. physics); AGU SIL DGL JSPS-club
- Reviews for scientific journals, gov. funds
- commitee member and spokesperson of http://www.ppnw.info (Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters);
- Co-chair of "Physical Limnology" of SIL - International Society for Limnology