Projects of the UFZ Science-Policy Expert Group

The group engages in research projects, SPI design and support processes as well as consulting and other services.

Current & major past research projects

OpenNESS (Operationalisation of natural capital and ecosystem services – from concepts to real-world applications, EU research project, 2012-2016)

GLAMURS (Green Lifestyles, Alternative Models and Upscaling Regional Sustainability, EU research project, 2014-2016)

BASE (Bottom-Up Climate Adaptation Strategies Towards a Sustainable Europe, EU research project, 2012-16)

EnGeno (Transformation potentials of energy cooperatives for an energy turn, BMBF research project: 2013-2016)

EC21C  (European Conservation for the 21st Century, funded by BiodivERsA: 2013-2016)

SPIRAL (Science Policy Interfaces for Biodiversity: Research, Action and Learning, EU research project, 2010-2014)

NesNet (Nested Networks: Novel Forms of Governance by Nested Networks, BMBF research project, 2010-2013)

POLICYMIX (Assessing the role of economic instruments in policy mixes for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision, EU research project, 2010-2014)

Designing and coordinating science-policy processes

EKLIPSE-Mechanism (European Knowledge and Learning MechanIsm on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, EU Coordination Action, 2016-2020)

NeFo (Network-forum on biodiversity research Germany to better network the German biodiversity research community and improve the dialogue to policy making, BMBF-funded, since 2009, third phase 2014-2018)

KNEU (Developing of a scientific Network of Knowledge (NoK) on biodiversity and ecosystem services to inform policy-makers and other societal actors in Europe, EU Coordination Action, 2010-2014)

TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Scientific Coordination 2008-2010, follow up phase 2011-2013)

Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE (Study leader and scientific coordination, 2012-2017)

Consulting and other services

TAB – The Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (Büro für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag, service contract with the German Bundestag,  2013-2018)

G7 Progress Report on Biodiversity (service contract for BMZ, jointly with DIE, 2014-2015)

Towards an EU mechanism interfacing science and policy on biodiversity and ecosystem services (service contract with European Commission, DG Environment, 2011-2014) 

Workshop on the IPBES Policy support function (Bonn, December 2011, on behalf of the Federal Ministry on Nature Conservation, BMU)

→ Various TEEB follow-up activities (2011-2016, contact teeb(at) for more info)
