Legal questions regarding the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive




01/2004 − 12/2008


The Implementation of the EU-Water Framework Directive has different links to other areas of (environmental) law: Nature Conservation Law, Fiscal Law, Planning Law and European Primary Law. The overlapping with the Nature Conservation Law becomes manifest in the protection of alluvial areas and other wetlands. A comparision of the legal regulations as regards wetlands clarifies to what extent their protection receives new stimulus and is intensified by the requirements of the WFD. Other overlaps relate to soil protection law and planning law in the case of the restoration of former lignite open mining regions and the construction of new waters. As to the planning law, the question of the interrelationship between river basin planning, other technical planning processes and general spatial planning is still unsolved. The demand to use economic instruments within river basin management (full cost recovery for water services, adequate contribution of water users to the cost recovery of water services, using water pricing as an incentive for economic use of water) requires different strategies for implementing into national law, since constitutional provisions highly restrict the possible design. Finally, the WFD requires a new approach in interpreting “sustainable development”, as this notion is not only used to describe the general aim of the WFD and policy of the EU, but also as a yardstick for the weighing up of competing economic and environmental aims in individual cases or projects.


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