Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125585
Document author version
Title (Primary) Analyzing impacts of seasonality and landscape gradient on event-scale nitrate-discharge dynamics based on nested high-frequency monitoring
Author Zhang, X.; Yang, X.; Jomaa, S.; Rode, M.
Source Titel Journal of Hydrology
Year 2020
Department ASAM
Volume 591
Page From art. 125585
Language englisch
Keywords Nitrate export dynamic; C-Q relationship; Hysteresis pattern; High-frequency data; Landscape effect; Seasonality effect
Abstract Increasingly available high-frequency data during storm events, when hydrological dynamics most likely activate nitrate storage-flux exchanges, reveal insights into catchment nitrate dynamics. In this study, we explored impacts of seasonality and landscape gradients on nitrate concentration-discharge (C-Q) hysteresis patterns in the Selke catchment, central Germany, which has heterogeneous combinations of meteorological, hydrogeological and land use conditions. Three nested gauging stations established along the main Selke River captured flow and nitrate export dynamics from the uppermost subcatchment (mixed forest and arable land), middle subcatchment (pure steep forest) and lowermost subcatchment (arable and urban land). We collected continuous high-frequency (15-min) discharge and nitrate concentration data from 2012 to 2017 and analyzed the 223 events detected at all three stations. A dominant hysteresis pattern in the uppermost and middle subcatchments was counter-clockwise and combined with an accretion effect, indicating many proximal and mobilized distal nitrate sources. However, 66% of all events at the catchment outlet experienced a dilution effect, possibly due to mechanisms that vary seasonally. During wetting/wet periods (October-March), it was combined mainly with a counter-clockwise pattern due to the dominance of event runoff volume from the uppermost and middle subcatchments. During drying/dry periods (April-September), however, it was combined mainly with a clockwise pattern due to occasional quick surface flows from lowland near-stream urban areas. In addition, the clockwise hysteresis occurred mainly from May-October during mostly drying/dry periods at all three sites, indicating little distal nitrate transport in response to the low terrestrial hydrological connectivity, especially in the lowermost dry and flat subcatchment. This comprehensive analysis (i.e., clockwise vs. counter-clockwise, accretion vs. dilution) enables in-depth analysis of nitrate export mechanisms during certain periods under different landscape conditions. Specific combination of C-Q relationships could identify target locations for agricultural management actions that decrease nitrate output. Therefore, we strongly encourage long-term multisite and high-frequency monitoring strategies in heterogeneous nested catchment(s), which can help understand process mechanisms, generate data for physical-based water-quality modeling and provide guidance for water and agricultural management.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Zhang, X., Yang, X., Jomaa, S., Rode, M. (2020):
Analyzing impacts of seasonality and landscape gradient on event-scale nitrate-discharge dynamics based on nested high-frequency monitoring
J. Hydrol. 591 , art. 125585 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125585