Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.11.112
Document accepted manuscript
Title (Primary) Sedimentary archive of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and perylene sources in the northern part of Taihu Lake, China
Author Li, A.; aus der Beek, T.; Schubert, M.; Yu, Z.; Schiedek, T.; Schüth, C.
Source Titel Environmental Pollution
Year 2019
Department CATHYD
Volume 246
Page From 198
Page To 206
Language englisch
Keywords Taihu lake in China; Lake sediment; PAH distribution; Perylene source
Abstract In the present work, we analyzed the concentration patterns of 20 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in 25 surface sediments and 11 sediment cores from the northern part of Taihu Lake, China. Three of the cores were dated based on 137Cs activity for the deposition age of the sediment. The spatial distributions of the PAH concentrations show that the inflow rivers into Zhushan Bay and Meiliang Bay were the main pathway for PAHs and sediment input to the northern part of the lake. This results in substantially higher PAH concentrations (up to 5000 ng/g) and sedimentation rates (higher than the average of 3–4 mm/a) in the area close to the river outlets. In addition, results also show that PAH concentrations in the sediments considerably increased from the early 1960s, but the decreasing concentrations in the upper layers of the sediment could be attributed to the introduction of measures on environmental improvement from ca. 2000. There were both anthropogenic and biogenic origins of perylene in the lake sediments, which were distinguished based on spatial distribution patterns and also the concentration proportions of perylene to the sum of the 20 PAHs. In the cores collected close to river outlets, the concentration proportions of perylene typically range from 0.02 to 0.18 and there are significant positive linear correlations between the concentration of perylene and three anthropogenic PAHs (Benzo[a]pyrene, Benzo[e]pyrene, Pyrene), suggesting that perylene was dominated by anthropogenic input. However, the cores collected further away from the river outlets show the concentration proportions between 0.13 and 0.96, and present significant negative correlations or no correlations between perylene and the three PAHs, suggesting that perylene was mainly formed by biogenic activities. Furthermore, the different perylene sources accompanied with the location distributions imply that anthropogenic activities could inhibit its biogenic formation.Schüth
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Li, A., aus der Beek, T., Schubert, M., Yu, Z., Schiedek, T., Schüth, C. (2019):
Sedimentary archive of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and perylene sources in the northern part of Taihu Lake, China
Environ. Pollut. 246 , 198 - 206 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.11.112