Details zur Publikation |
Kategorie | Textpublikation |
Referenztyp | Buchkapitel |
DOI | 10.1016/B978-0-12-804568-8.00013-5 |
Titel (primär) | Government policy on delivering biofuels for the aviation sector |
Titel (sekundär) | Biofuels for aviation : feedstocks, technology and implementation |
Autor | Thrän, D.; Ponitka, J. |
Herausgeber | Chuck, C.J. |
Erscheinungsjahr | 2016 |
Department | BIOENERGIE |
Seite von | 295 |
Seite bis | 313 |
Sprache | englisch |
Keywords | Climate effects from aviation; availability and costs of biojet fuels; instruments for biojet fuel implementation; technical standards for biojet fuels; sustainability standards for biojet fuels, biojet fuel policy in Europe; biojet fuel policy in Brazil; biojet fuel policy in the United States; biojet fuel targets |
UFZ Querschnittsthemen | RU6; |
Abstract | Air transport is a developing business sector, with rapidly increasing rates in transport loads and fuel demand. Aircraft emissions are impacting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and hence inducing climate change. Decarbonization in the aviation sector is being addressed by international airline organizations (eg, IATA), and in different policies as well. Biojet fuels can contribute to this goal substantially in the short- and medium-term because they can be applied as drop-in fuels without major changes in infrastructure or aircraft engines. Technical standards for certain biojet fuels have successfully been established during the last several years. On the other hand, biojet fuel implementation needs policy adoption and instruments – that is, by considering the GHG emission reduction of renewable fuels in taxation, Emissions Trading System or quotas, or blending mandates. Additionally, sustainability of biojet fuels along the whole value chain needs to be reflected and assured by appropriate certification standards and schemes. During the last few years, experience from the application of biofuels has been gained; biojet fuel certification can be built upon this. The restricted land availability and the related environmental effects demand a coherent monitoring system for the market implementation of biojet fuels. This is in conjunction with long-term support for research and development on sustainable feedstock provisions, efficient conversion technologies, and integration of biojet fuels in overall concepts of an efficient and mainly renewable energy supply in the future. Due to the internationality of the sector, a coherent international biojet fuel policy is strongly recommended to realize the intended GHG emission reduction in the aviation sector. |
dauerhafte UFZ-Verlinkung | |
Thrän, D., Ponitka, J. (2016): Government policy on delivering biofuels for the aviation sector In: Chuck, C.J. (ed.) Biofuels for aviation : feedstocks, technology and implementation Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 295 - 313 10.1016/B978-0-12-804568-8.00013-5 |