International Workshop on

temporal high resolution water
quality monitoring and analysis

21st and 22nd of July 2014 at Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ Magdeburg, Germany

Workshop 21.-22. July 2014


Looking forward to the near future one realizes that even more dramatic changes are likely to occur since climate, water cycle and land use are continuously undergoing significant shifts and changes. With the current acceleration of human impacts, it is becoming increasingly clear that improved accounting for changes, interactions and feedbacks is necessary to reach a better interpretation of human impacts on river water quality.

In recent years water quality monitoring has been undergone significant changes towards new sensor technologies offering high temporal resolution measurement devices and reducing the current uncertainty of observations. These new technologies will bring new insights but we are still challenged about how to integrate different types of information. Currently a number of initiatives are ongoing implementing these new technologies in Europe and abroad. These new information types, especially its high temporal resolution, offer new opportunities to improve mechanistic process understanding and better conceptualize process transferability between and across catchments.

The objective of the workshop is therefore to discuss how these new technologies and data can be used to strengthen the idea of comparative hydrology. This comprises analyzing event based, seasonal and long term hydrological and biogeochemical response of catchments caused by natural and anthropogenic impacts. Several questions will be addressed like: How to turn new types of raw data streams into useful information and ultimately new knowledge? How can data driven modelling increase the gain of information from new data types? How can we link new observations?


Michael Rode
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Magdeburg, Germany

Andrew Wade
University of Reading
Reading, UK