International students at UFZ. Photo: UFZ

International Café     

Come to our "International Café" and meet people from different countries and regions (including Germany!). We want to establish an international network at UFZ and are looking for people who share ideas for nice events.

Programme for 2025

March 19: Guided tour by Prof. Leder trhough the exhibition of the Leipzig Museum of Natural History        (Leipziger Naturkundemuseum)

May: Guided City tour

July: Bike tour to the Photographers Museum Leipzig (inklusive Picknick)

September: Hike tour through the surroundings of Leipzig/Halle

November: End-of-the-year party

If you want to organize your own event in 2025, feel free to contact us for further support: UFZ International Café

    Spider at the Leipzig Museum of Nature History
    Photo: Natukundemuseum Leipzig