PRONAS - Biodiversity in the focus of environmental education
Project leaders are Karin Ulbrich and Josef Settele.
PRONAS is the acronym for PROjections of NAture for Schools.
Can we still see the brimstone butterfly, the common toad and the spruce in 50 years? What about climate change? The software PRONAS shows how scientists handle such questions. The three basic scenarios GREEN, YELLOW, and RED describe "possible future worlds“ which include both socio-economic processes and environmental changes. A special book for teachers shows how to implement PRONAS in the "in– and-out-of-classroom-learning“.
Climate change and dramatic loss of biodiversity are essential subjects to EU research – an outstanding example is the ALARM project (
Important note on use: The PRONAS website is an application based on ADOBE Flash. Support for ADOBE Flash will be discontinued by all commercially available browsers in January 2021. In order to continue using the PRONAS application after this date, the open source software Ruffle can be used as an alternative. Ruffle-based add-ons are available for Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari and Google Chrome.
Handbook for teachers:
Ulbrich K, Lindau A-K, Hörning C, Settele J, (Hrsg) 2011. Lebensräume von Tieren und Pflanzen simulieren - Zukunftsszenarien zum Einfluss des Klimawandels. Handreichungen zur Lernsoftware PRONAS für Schule und Umweltbildung. Pensoft Publishers Sofia-Moskau. Reprint