
Publication Details

Category Software Publication
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.8222733
Title (Primary) dbahlburg/krillBehaviour: v1.0.0-krillBehaviour (krill)
Author Bahlburg, D.
Source Titel Zenodo
Year 2023
Department OESA
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Abstract Understanding the vertical migration behaviour of Antarctic krill is important for understanding spatial distribution, ecophysiology, trophic interactions and carbon fluxes of this Southern Ocean key species. In this study, we analysed an eight-month continuous dataset recorded with an ES80 echosounder on board a commercial krill fishing vessel in the southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Our analysis supports the existing hypothesis that krill swarms migrate into deeper waters during winter but also reveals a high degree of variability in vertical migration behaviour within seasons, even at small spatial scales. During summer, we found that behaviour associated with prolonged surface presence primarily occurred at low surface chlorophyll a concentrations whereas multiple ascent–descent cycles per day occurred when surface chlorophyll a concentrations were elevated. The high plasticity, with some krill swarms behaving differently in the same location at the same time, suggests that krill behaviour is not a purely environmentally driven process. Differences in life stage, physiology and type of predator are likely other important drivers. Finally, our study demonstrates new ways of using data from krill fishing vessels, and with the routine collection of additional information in potential future projects, they have great potential to significantly advance our understanding of krill ecology.
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Persistent UFZ Identifier
Bahlburg, D. (2023):
dbahlburg/krillBehaviour: v1.0.0-krillBehaviour (krill)
Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.8222733