
Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1111/gcb.16209
Licence creative commons licence
Title (Primary) Becoming nose-blind—Climate change impacts on chemical communication
Author Roggatz, C.C.; Saha, M.; Blanchard, S.; Schirrmacher, P.; Fink, P. ORCID logo ; Verheggen, F.; Hardege, J.D.
Source Titel Global Change Biology
Year 2022
Department ASAM; FLOEK
Volume 28
Issue 15
Page From 4495
Page To 4505
Language englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Keywords behavior; chemoreception; climate change stressor; ecological interactions; infochemicals; ocean acidification; semiochemicals; sensory ecology
Abstract Chemical communication via infochemicals plays a pivotal role in ecological interactions, allowing organisms to sense their environment, locate predators, food, habitats, or mates. A growing number of studies suggest that climate change-associated stressors can modify these chemically mediated interactions, causing info-disruption that scales up to the ecosystem level. However, our understanding of the underlying mechanisms is scarce. Evidenced by a range of examples, we illustrate in this opinion piece that climate change affects different realms in similar patterns, from molecular to ecosystem-wide levels. We assess the importance of different stressors for terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems and propose a systematic approach to address highlighted knowledge gaps and cross-disciplinary research avenues.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Roggatz, C.C., Saha, M., Blanchard, S., Schirrmacher, P., Fink, P., Verheggen, F., Hardege, J.D. (2022):
Becoming nose-blind—Climate change impacts on chemical communication
Glob. Change Biol. 28 (15), 4495 - 4505 10.1111/gcb.16209