Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1007/s004410050865
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Title (Primary) Spontaneous formation of intercellular bile canaliculi and hybrid biliary-pancreatic canaliculi in co-culture of hepatocytes and exocrine pancreas cells from carp
Author Vogt, G.; Segner, H.
Source Titel Cell and Tissue Research
Year 1997
Department OEC; COE
Volume 289
Issue 1
Page From 191
Page To 194
Language englisch

When cultured together in a primary serum-free hormone-free system, hepatocytes and exocrine pancreas cells from the carp, Cyprinus carpio, spontaneously establish unique morphological structures that do not occur in vivo. These structures include intercellular bile canaliculi between neighbouring hepatocytes and hybrid canaliculi between hepatocytes and pancreas cells. In vivo, carp hepatocytes form only unicellular bile canaliculi; hybrid canaliculi between hepatocytes and exocrine pancreas cells do not exist at all in nature. This study shows that, in an artificial environment, cells are able spontaneously to establish novel morphological structures that are absent in the animal from which the cells have been obtained.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Vogt, G., Segner, H. (1997):
Spontaneous formation of intercellular bile canaliculi and hybrid biliary-pancreatic canaliculi in co-culture of hepatocytes and exocrine pancreas cells from carp
Cell Tissue Res. 289 (1), 191 - 194 10.1007/s004410050865