Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
Title (Primary) Regulation globaler Naturverhältnisse. Zur Vermittlung von Umwelt und Gesellschaft im globalen Wandel
Author Görg, C.
Source Titel Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde
Year 2008
Department SUSOZ
Volume 82
Issue 2
Page From 95
Page To 113
Language deutsch
UFZ inventory Z, Leipzig - Bibliothek, Magazin, 66.1992 - 86.2012
Abstract Global Climate Change poses new questions concerning the interrelationships between socail and biophysical processes. These questions are induced by new discussions about the social and ecological consequences of this change and the need for adaptation. Specific regional impacts and cross-linkages with other environmental issues like biodiversity or ecosystem change and, thus, highly complex interdependencies between social and biophysical processes raise concern about the need for protecting society from nature. This article introduces the concept of societal relationships with nature, coming from the Frankfurt School of critical theory, as a dialectical approach to analyse these interdependiencies. Given these interactions, and unlike other approaches, this concept emphasizes the need for further distinguishing society and nature to provide insights about how to shape global environmental change. Moreover, the relevance of the societal context is analysed, due to cross-linkages between different policy fields and levels of decision makin, connected with increasing tensions and conflicts in a global perspective. Building upon this approach, dichotomies between mitigation and adaptation or between climate protection and society protection are questioned and the need for an encompassing re-regulation of global societal relationships with nature is emphasized.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Görg, C. (2008):
Regulation globaler Naturverhältnisse. Zur Vermittlung von Umwelt und Gesellschaft im globalen Wandel
Ber. z. dt. Landeskunde 82 (2), 95 - 113