Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
Title (Primary) Modelluntersuchung zum Auslaugverhalten industrieller Reststoffe und Sonderabfälle aus Sachsen-Anhalt. Teil I: Batch-Versuche zur Extraktion und Elution von Schwermetallen
Author Paschke, A.; Wennrich, R.; Morgenstern, P.; Schumann, G.; Schüürmann, G.
Source Titel Chemische Technik
Year 1997
Department OEC; ANA; COE; SANA
Volume 49
Issue 4
Page From 157
Page To 168
Language deutsch

The reported investigation was focused on the leaching behaviour of typical large-tonal waste (two spoil-heap materials, two malten sands and a flue -gas refining residue). Beside the characterization of the solid material (via X-ray fluorescence analysis and extraction with aqua regia) and the determination of the leachability by water also a four-step extraction sequence was applied to determine the binding forms of heavy metals in the solid matrix and thus to identify their release potential. The influence of long-term pH changes on the mobility of heavy metals and of arsenic was simulated in agitation test at pH = 4 and pH = 11 over 24 hours. The acid and base neutralization capacities, respectively resulting from such pHstat tests, provide in addition to the leached fraction of constituents a more realistic assessment of waste material in view of an environment-protecting reuse or disposal.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Paschke, A., Wennrich, R., Morgenstern, P., Schumann, G., Schüürmann, G. (1997):
Modelluntersuchung zum Auslaugverhalten industrieller Reststoffe und Sonderabfälle aus Sachsen-Anhalt. Teil I: Batch-Versuche zur Extraktion und Elution von Schwermetallen
Chem.Techn. 49 (4), 157 - 168