Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/S0016-7061(97)00041-4
Title (Primary) Carbon in tropical wetlands
Author Neue, H.-U.; Gaunt, J.L.; Wang, Z.P.; Becker-Heidmann, P.; Quijano, C.
Source Titel Geoderma
Year 1997
Department BOCHE; BOFO
Volume 79
Issue 1-4
Page From 163
Page To 185
Language englisch

About half of the world's wetlands area is found in the tropics. The importance of wetlands to the global carbon cycle, water balance, wildlife, biodiversity and human food production is much greater than their proportional surface area on Earth (7%) would suggest. High net primary production of organic matter produced by retarded decomposition make natural tropical wetlands an important sink for carbon. About 250 Gt carbon are conserved in tropical wetlands. Tropical wetlands are also a significant source for atmospheric methane. Wetland rice agriculture alone contributes 5 to 20% to the global methane budget. Rice, the stable food for about half of mankind, is grown on tropical wetlands. Small differences in climate, water and nutrient regimes, and land use can drastically change the delicate balance of tropical wetlands.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Neue, H.-U., Gaunt, J.L., Wang, Z.P., Becker-Heidmann, P., Quijano, C. (1997):
Carbon in tropical wetlands
Geoderma 79 (1-4), 163 - 185 10.1016/S0016-7061(97)00041-4