Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1007/s002160050162
Title (Primary) Determination of phenolic compounds in waste water by solid-phase micro extraction
Author Möder, M.; Schrader, S.; Franck, U.; Popp, P.
Source Titel Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry
Year 1997
Department ANA; EXPOEPID
Volume 357
Issue 3
Page From 326
Page To 332
Language englisch

The solid-phase micro extraction technique (SPME) using a polyacrylate coated fibre has been examined with the aim to determine phenolic components in strong contaminated waste water. Considering the high contents and the great variety of accompanying organic material, the feasibility of SPME-GC-MS analysis has been tested. In this connection the influence of matrix components on the SPME results are discussed. EPA-604 phenols and some other phenolic components have been sampled by a polar fibre under standard conditions and in original waste water. The effects of defined concentrations of humic acids and surfactants on the recovery of phenols have been studied. The influence of other organics, e.g. hexachlorocyclohexane isomers, on the recoveries of phenols are discussed. Finally, a comparison between results of a liquid-liquid extraction and SPME describes the performance of SPME regarding the phenol analysis of strong-loaded water.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Möder, M., Schrader, S., Franck, U., Popp, P. (1997):
Determination of phenolic compounds in waste water by solid-phase micro extraction
Fresen. J. Anal. Chem. 357 (3), 326 - 332 10.1007/s002160050162