Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/S0017-9310(97)00068-9
Title (Primary) Convection in a long cavity with differentially heated end walls
Author Boehrer, B.
Source Titel International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Year 1997
Department SEEFO; GM
Volume 40
Issue 17
Page From 4105
Page To 4114
Language englisch

The fluid-filled long cavity with differentially heated end walls is a common and simple model for flows both in the environment and in technical applications. A delineation of the flow regime showing confined flowing layers from those showing cavity-filling counter currents is provided. Theoretical considerations yield a description of the flowing layer thickness and an approximate value for the longitudinal temperature gradient in the core of the tank. This way, a good description of the major features in the long cavity is achieved, which is confirmed by experimental data.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Boehrer, B. (1997):
Convection in a long cavity with differentially heated end walls
Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 40 (17), 4105 - 4114 10.1016/S0017-9310(97)00068-9