Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Book chapters
Title (Primary) Analytical modelling of diffusion-limited contaminant release from the Bitterfeld lignite seam aquitard
Title (Secondary) Groundwater quality: remediation and protection (Proceedings of the GQ'98 Conference, held in Tübingen, Germany, from 21 to 25 September 1998)
Author Geistlinger, H.; Dermietzel, J.; Lazik, D.; Gläßer, W.
Publisher Herbert, M.; Kovar, K.
Source Titel IAHS Publication
Year 1998
Department HDG; BOPHY
Volume 250
Page From 591
Page To 594
Language englisch
UFZ inventory Leipzig - Bibliothek, Hauptlesesaal 00479028, 13-0582

In the Bitterfeld lignite seam aquitard we have observed asymmetric Gaussian-like concentration profiles of organic contaminants. Similar concentration profiles were observed in a clayey groundwater aquitard at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware. For a diffusion-based interpretation of these concentration profiles Ball et al. (1997) have derived an analytical solution for the two-aquitard diffusion problem. Applying this general solution, we derived for the first time an analytical expression for the contaminant release function /(f). The knowledge of this function is necessary both for forensic modelling of the case history and for predictive modelling of the future contaminant release of the aquitard.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Geistlinger, H., Dermietzel, J., Lazik, D., Gläßer, W. (1998):
Analytical modelling of diffusion-limited contaminant release from the Bitterfeld lignite seam aquitard
In: Herbert, M., Kovar, K. (eds.)
Groundwater quality: remediation and protection (Proceedings of the GQ'98 Conference, held in Tübingen, Germany, from 21 to 25 September 1998)
IAHS Publ. 250
International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), Wallingford, Oxfordshire, p. 591 - 594