Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Conference papers
Title (Primary) Investigation on remediation of soils in a riverine area polluted with β-HCH and its herbage plant uptake
Title (Secondary) 5th International HCH and Pesticides Forum, Basque Country, 25.-27.6.1998
Author Lehmann, J.; Klimanek, E.-M.; Schulz, E.
Year 1999
Department BOOEK; BOFO
Page From 111
Page To 114
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Lehmann, J., Klimanek, E.-M., Schulz, E. (1999):
Investigation on remediation of soils in a riverine area polluted with β-HCH and its herbage plant uptake
5th International HCH and Pesticides Forum, Basque Country, 25.-27.6.1998
IHOBE, S.A., Bilbao, 111 - 114