Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
Title (Primary) Eine neue Methode zur fotografischen Individualidentifikation mitteleuropäischer Halsbandeidechsen (Lacertidae). A new method of photographical individual identification of Central European lacertid lizards
Author Steinicke, H.; Ulbrich, K.; Henle, K.; Grosse, W.-R.
Source Titel Salamandra
Year 2000
Department NSF; PB NLLR
Volume 36
Issue 2
Page From 81
Page To 88
Language deutsch
Keywords individual identification; Lacertidae: Lacerta, Podarcis, Zootoca; pholidosis
Abstract A new method for the individual identification of Central European lacertid lizards is described. The method uses the fingerprint-like patterns of the ehest and anterior belly. This pattem does not show any ontogentic change and thus allows individual identification of new borns as weil. The method was tested for five species (Lacerta agilis, L. bilineata, L. viridis, and Podarcis muralis, and Zootoca vivipara) and probably is applicable to most (all) lacertids. As a reliable non-invasive method, it can replace all invasive methods like toe clipping.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Steinicke, H., Ulbrich, K., Henle, K., Grosse, W.-R. (2000):
Eine neue Methode zur fotografischen Individualidentifikation mitteleuropäischer Halsbandeidechsen (Lacertidae). A new method of photographical individual identification of Central European lacertid lizards
Salamandra 36 (2), 81 - 88