Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/S0075-9511(00)80042-0
Title (Primary) New and little known ostracods of the genus Heterocypris (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from the Balkan Peninsula
Author Petkowski, T.; Scharf, B.; Keyser, D.
Source Titel Limnologica
Year 2000
Department GM
Volume 30
Issue 1
Page From 45
Page To 57
Language englisch
Keywords Freshwater Ostracoda; Balkan peninsula; systematic; Heterocypris
Abstract Two new species of Heterocypris, a bisexual population of H. bosniaca and a parthenogenetic population of H. gevgelica, are described from Bosnia. While H. bosniaca seems to be fully isolated, H. gevgelica has close links to H. exiguaGauthier. Additional descriptions of H. vitreaSywula, H. bulgaricaSywula, H. salina (Brady), H. fretensisBrady and Robertson, H. inequivalvisBronstein, and H. mauraMasi are given. The latter three are thought to be congeneric with H. salina by several authors. Molecular genetical investigations are suggested to solve this problem.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Petkowski, T., Scharf, B., Keyser, D. (2000):
New and little known ostracods of the genus Heterocypris (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from the Balkan Peninsula
Limnologica 30 (1), 45 - 57 10.1016/S0075-9511(00)80042-0