Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1023/A:1026504605443
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Title (Primary) Bacterial growth based on reductive dechlorination of trichlorobenzenes
Author Adrian, L.; Szewzyk, U.; Görisch, H.
Source Titel Biodegradation
Year 2000
Department ISOBIO
Volume 11
Issue 1
Page From 73
Page To 81
Language englisch
Keywords anaerobic biotransformation; dehalorespiration; reductive dechlorination; trichlorobenzene
Abstract An anaerobic mixed bacterial culture was enriched forbacteria dechlorinating 1,2,3- and1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (TCB) to dichlorobenzenes byexclusive use of non-fermentable substrates and theapplication of vancomycin. Growth and dechlorinationoccurred in a purely synthetic medium with formate orhydrogen, acetate, and TCB. Neither acetogenesis normethanogenesis was detected in the culture. Repeatedsubculturing maintaining high dechlorinatingactivities was also achieved when only hydrogen andTCB were supplied. This indicated that reductivedechlorination of TCB was the primary energyconservating process. The number of dechlorinatingbacteria was strictly limited by the amount of TCBsupplied in the medium. In addition, thedechlorinating activity could be maintained only inthe presence of TCB. A most probable number analysisshowed that the dechlorinating species amounted to atleast 6 105 cells per ml at a total cell numberof about 2 106 cells per ml. Vitamin B12significantly stimulated the dechlorinating activity.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Adrian, L., Szewzyk, U., Görisch, H. (2000):
Bacterial growth based on reductive dechlorination of trichlorobenzenes
Biodegradation 11 (1), 73 - 81 10.1023/A:1026504605443