Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.tree.2009.06.008
Title (Primary) Alien species in a warmer world - risks and opportunities
Author Walther, G.-R.; Roques, A.; Hulme, P.E.; Sykes, M.T.; Pyšek, P.; Kühn, I. ORCID logo ; Zobel, M.; Bacher, S.; Botta-Dukát, Z.; Bugmann, H.; Czúcz, B.; Dauber, J.; Hickler, T.; Jarošík, V.; Kenis, M.; Klotz, S.; Minchin, D.; Moora, M.; Nentwig, W.; Ott, J.; Panov, V.E.; Reineking, B.; Robinet, C.; Semenchenko, V.; Solarz, W.; Thuiller, W.; Vilà, M.; Vohland, K.; Settele, J.
Source Titel Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Year 2009
Department BZF
Volume 24
Issue 12
Page From 686
Page To 693
Language englisch
Abstract Climate change and biological invasions are key processes affecting global biodiversity, yet their effects have usually been considered separately. Here, we emphasise that global warming has enabled alien species to expand into regions in which they previously could not survive and reproduce. Based on a review of climate-mediated biological invasions of plants, invertebrates, fishes and birds, we discuss the ways in which climate change influences biological invasions. We emphasise the role of alien species in a more dynamic context of shifting species' ranges and changing communities. Under these circumstances, management practices regarding the occurrence of 'new' species could range from complete eradication to tolerance and even consideration of the 'new' species as an enrichment of local biodiversity and key elements to maintain ecosystem services.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Walther, G.-R., Roques, A., Hulme, P.E., Sykes, M.T., Pyšek, P., Kühn, I., Zobel, M., Bacher, S., Botta-Dukát, Z., Bugmann, H., Czúcz, B., Dauber, J., Hickler, T., Jarošík, V., Kenis, M., Klotz, S., Minchin, D., Moora, M., Nentwig, W., Ott, J., Panov, V.E., Reineking, B., Robinet, C., Semenchenko, V., Solarz, W., Thuiller, W., Vilà, M., Vohland, K., Settele, J. (2009):
Alien species in a warmer world - risks and opportunities
Trends Ecol. Evol. 24 (12), 686 - 693 10.1016/j.tree.2009.06.008