Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1078/1438-4639-00100
Title (Primary) Enhanced in vivo IgE production and T cell polarization toward the type 2 phenotype in association with indoor exposure to VOC: results of the LARS study
Author Lehmann, I.; Rehwagen, M.; Diez, U.; Seiffart, A.; Rolle-Kampczyk, U.; Richter, M.; Wetzig, H.; Borte, M.; Herbarth, O.
Source Titel International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
Year 2001
Volume 204
Issue 4
Page From 211
Page To 221
Language englisch
Keywords VOC; IgE; type 1 T cells; type 2 T cells; Th1; Th2; children; allergy
Abstract The association between indoor exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOC), prevalence of allergic sensitization and cytokine secretion profile of peripheral T cells was studied in 3 year old children of the LARS study (Leipzig Allergy Risk Children Study) to investigate the role of VOC exposure as a risk factor for the development of atopic disease. Indoor VOC exposure was measured over a period of 4 weeks in infants' bedrooms using a passive sampling system. Specific IgE antibodies to food, indoor and outdoor allergens were measured by the Pharmacia CAP system and correlated to VOC exposure (n = 120). In addition, cytokine producing peripheral T cells (interleukin(IL)-4, interferon(IFN)-?) were measured in a subgroup of 28 children by means of intracellular cytokine staining. For the first time we were able to show that exposure to alkanes (C6, C9, C10) and aromatic compounds (toluene, o-xylene, m+p-xylene, 2-, 3- and 4-ethyl-toluene, chlorobenzene) may contribute to the risk of allergic sensitization to the food allergens milk and egg white (Odds ratios between 5.7 and 11.2). Moreover, significantly reduced numbers of CD3+/CD8+ peripheral T cells were found in children exposed to alkanes (C9-C13), naphthalene and chlorobenzene. Exposure to benzene, ethylbenzene and chlorobenzene was associated with higher percentages of IL-4 producing CD3+ T cells. Both an increase in IL-4 producing type 2 T cells and a reduction of IFN-? producing type 1 T cells may contribute to a type 2 skewed memory in response to allergens. Therefore, we suggest exposure to VOCs in association with allergic sensitization to be mediated by a T cell polarization toward the type 2 phenotype.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Lehmann, I., Rehwagen, M., Diez, U., Seiffart, A., Rolle-Kampczyk, U., Richter, M., Wetzig, H., Borte, M., Herbarth, O. (2001):
Enhanced in vivo IgE production and T cell polarization toward the type 2 phenotype in association with indoor exposure to VOC: results of the LARS study
Int. J. Hyg. Environ. Health. 204 (4), 211 - 221 10.1078/1438-4639-00100