Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1046/j.1365-2311.2001.00355.x
Title (Primary) Hosts as habitats: faunal similarity of phytophagous insects between host plants
Author Frenzel, M. ORCID logo ; Brandl, R.
Source Titel Ecological Entomology
Year 2001
Department BZF
Volume 26
Issue 6
Page From 594
Page To 601
Language englisch
Keywords Brassicaceae; β-diversity; cabbage plants; Cardueae; Cynaroideae; ectophagous insects; endophagous insects; faunal overlap; faunal similarity; similarity index; species turnover; thistles; turnover diversity

1. Published lists on the phytophages recorded on 86 cabbage plant species (Brassicaceae) and 30 thistle species (Cynaroideae) were used to investigate patterns in the faunal similarity of phytophages. This was done by calculating the Jaccard index and a standardised index of similarity between pairs of host species using presence/absence data.

2. The faunal similarity measured as Jaccard indices indicated that pairs of cabbage hosts share on average 36% of phytophagous species whereas pairs of thistle hosts share only 10%.

3. The faunal similarity between two host species increased with the taxonomic affinity of hosts. This increase was more pronounced in thistles than in cabbage plants.

4. Irrespective of the taxonomic affinity of hosts, in the cabbage plants the faunal similarity of endophages was lower than in ectophages. In contrast, in the thistles faunal similarity differed only between endophages and ectophages for hosts of the same genera.

5. Differences in the patterns of faunal similarity between the two host taxa may be due to idiosyncratic characteristics of the plant taxa, e.g. the unique chemical properties of the cabbage plants and the resource-rich flower heads of thistles.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Frenzel, M., Brandl, R. (2001):
Hosts as habitats: faunal similarity of phytophagous insects between host plants
Ecol. Entomol. 26 (6), 594 - 601 10.1046/j.1365-2311.2001.00355.x