Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/S0375-6742(01)00189-3
Title (Primary) Redox and pH conditions in the water column and in the sediments of an acid mining lake
Author Bachmann, T.M.; Friese, K. ORCID logo ; Zachmann, D.W.
Source Titel Journal of Geochemical Exploration
Year 2001
Department SEEFO; GM
Volume 73
Issue 2
Page From 75
Page To 86
Language englisch
Keywords acid mining lake — acid mine drainage; lakes; redox potential — Eh; pH; grain size fractions — grain size; lake sediments; lake stratification — stratification; lakes; iron oxides–hydroxides — iron oxides; iron hydroxides

Physico-chemical parameters of the acidic mining lake (ML) 111 in the Lusatian region (Germany) were determined in April and August 1997 using a multiparameter probe for the water column and punch-in pH and Eh electrodes for the sediment, respectively. Samples of the sediment profile were taken by a gravity corer. Besides determination of the physico-chemical parameters, grain size and water contents were determined after sediment slicing.

Differences in the redox state of the water body, deduced from oxygen saturation between April and August, could not be inferred. However, a shift in pH to lower values was apparent. Data support the conclusion that the enhanced oxygen content was consumed for oxidation of ferrous iron to ferric iron (oxides/hydroxides) coupled with the release of protons.

In the sediment, different buffer systems of iron compounds could be detected within separate zones with values below and above pH 3. At higher pH values, the redox conditions are controlled and stabilized by the presence of Fe-oxide-hydroxides and possibly Fe-sulfates.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Bachmann, T.M., Friese, K., Zachmann, D.W. (2001):
Redox and pH conditions in the water column and in the sediments of an acid mining lake
J. Geochem. Explor. 73 (2), 75 - 86 10.1016/S0375-6742(01)00189-3