Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.09.009
Title (Primary) Challenges of simulating complex environmental systems at the landscape scale: a controversial dialogue between two cups of espresso
Author Seppelt, R.; Müller, F.; Schröder, B.; Volk, M.
Source Titel Ecological Modelling
Year 2009
Department CLE
Volume 220
Issue 24
Page From 3481
Page To 3489
Language englisch
Keywords Integrated modelling; Model application; Landscape research; Systems ecology
Abstract With the advancement of computational systems and the development of model integration concepts, complexity of environmental model systems increased. In contrast to that, theory and knowledge about > environmental systems as well as the capability for environmental systems analyses remained, to a large extent, unchanged. As a consequence, model conceptualization, data gathering, and validation, have faced new challenges that hardly can be tackled by modellers alone. In this discourse-like review, we argue that modelling with reliable simulations of human-environmental interactions necessitate linking modelling and simulation research much stronger to science fields such as landscape ecology, community ecology, eco-hydrology, etc. It thus becomes more and more important to identify the adequate degree of complexity in environmental models (which is not only a technical or methodological question), to ensure data availability, and to test model performance. Even equally important, providing problem specific answers to environmental problems using simulation tools requires addressing end-user and stakeholder requirements during early stages of problem development. In doing so, we avoid modelling and simulation as an end of its own.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Seppelt, R., Müller, F., Schröder, B., Volk, M. (2009):
Challenges of simulating complex environmental systems at the landscape scale: a controversial dialogue between two cups of espresso
Ecol. Model. 220 (24), 3481 - 3489 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.09.009