Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1111/j.1432-2277.2002.tb00201.x
Title (Primary) Induction therapy including antithymocyte globulin induces marked alterations in T lymphocyte subpopulations after liver transplantation: results of a long-term study
Author Oertel, M.; Sack, U.; Kohlhaw, K.; Lehmann, I.; Emmrich, F.; Berr, F.; Hauss, J.; Schwarz, R.
Source Titel Transplant International
Year 2002
Department IMMU
Volume 15
Issue 9-10
Page From 463
Page To 471
Language englisch
Keywords ATG Antithymocyte globulin; Lymphocyte subsets; Liver transplantation; Immunosuppression; Immunomonitoring; Flow cytometry
Abstract Various immunosuppressive regimens aim to reduce the incidence of acute rejection after liver transplantation. The efficacy of antithymocyte globulin (ATG) induction therapy and short-term effects on the cellular response have been demonstrated in several studies. Nevertheless, information about long-term effects of ATG therapy on cellular responses and frequency of complications is limited. Therefore, we analyzed the effect of ATG administration within a cyclosporine-based induction therapy, including azathioprine and prednisolone, on lymphocyte subsets and activation markers. We divided 35 liver transplant recipients into two groups according to their initial postoperative immunosuppression: a triple group without (n=15) and a quadruple group with ATG (n=20). The minimum observation time (flow cytometry analysis, clinical follow-up) was 2 years. Patients treated with ATG had persistently lower percentages of T cells for at least 2 years postoperatively (P<0.001). The CD4/CD8 ratios were lower in the quadruple group (P<0.005). The patients in the ATG group revealed a drop in CD25+ T cells within 2 years (P<0.05). However, the percentage of CD71+ and HLA-DR+ T cells was temporarily higher in patients with ATG treatment (P<0.05). Patients with ATG treatment showed persistently higher levels of CD8+/CD57+ double positive cells in the late postoperative phase (P<0.05). In contrast, no differences could be observed between the two groups for major parameters of clinical outcome (acute rejections, severe infections, patient survival). We conclude that ATG therapy induces long-lasting alterations in T-cell subset composition. However, no beneficial clinical effect could be confirmed after liver transplantation.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Oertel, M., Sack, U., Kohlhaw, K., Lehmann, I., Emmrich, F., Berr, F., Hauss, J., Schwarz, R. (2002):
Induction therapy including antithymocyte globulin induces marked alterations in T lymphocyte subpopulations after liver transplantation: results of a long-term study
Transpl. Int. 15 (9-10), 463 - 471 10.1111/j.1432-2277.2002.tb00201.x