Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1007/s00300-001-0328-9
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Title (Primary) Biological monitoring of heavy-metal contamination in coastal waters off Casey Station, Windmill Islands, East Antarctica
Author Duquesne, S.; Riddle, M.J.
Source Titel Polar Biology
Year 2002
Department OEKOTOX
Volume 25
Issue 3
Page From 206
Page To 215
Language englisch
Abstract Heavy-metal concentrations were determined in tissues of different species of benthic invertebrates collected in the Casey region (Australian Antarctic Territory) where an old waste-disposal tip site is a source of contamination. The species studied included the bivalve Laternula elliptica, starfish Notasterias armata, heart urchins Abatus nimrodi and A. ingens and gammaridean amphipod Paramoera walkeri. The specimens were collected at both reference and contaminated locations where lead was the priority element and copper was the next most important in terms of increased concentrations. The strong association between a gradient of contamination and concentrations in all species tested indicates that they are reflecting well the environmental changes, and that they appear as appropriate biological indicators of heavy-metal contamination. Aspects of the biology of species with different functional roles in the marine ecosystem are discussed in relation to their suitability for wider use in Antarctic monitoring programmes. For example, in terms of heavy-metal bioaccumulation, the bivalve appears as the most sensitive species to detect contamination; the starfish provides information on the transfer of metals through the food web while the heart urchin and gammarid give indications of the spatial and temporal patterns of the environmental contamination. The information gathered about processes of contaminant uptake and partitioning among different tissues and species could be used in later studies to investigate the behaviour and the source of contaminants.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Duquesne, S., Riddle, M.J. (2002):
Biological monitoring of heavy-metal contamination in coastal waters off Casey Station, Windmill Islands, East Antarctica
Polar Biol. 25 (3), 206 - 215 10.1007/s00300-001-0328-9