Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Conference papers
Title (Primary) Effects of different Ph and redox conditions on mobility of arsenic in a tailing material
Title (Secondary) ConSoil 2003: Proceedings of the 8th International FZK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil, ICC Gent, Belgium, 12-16 May 2003
Author Voigt, K.; Pechová, L.; Seidel, H.
Year 2003
Department UBT; SAN
Page From 3371
Page To 3375

In mining areas, residues of mineral processing are deposited as waste dump or tailings. These mining site materials are often polluted with arsenic (As) and heavy metals. Due to internal dissolution and exposure to the weather microbial and abiotic oxidation processes begin and the oxidation state of arsenic, metals and sulphur change. As a result the material turns acidic and the contaminants can be easily mobilized [HIRNER ET AL 2000). These materials therefore act as a source of contaminants, which may pollute especially ground and surface waters.

Important factors controlling the mobility of As in the source material include the pH value, redox conditions and the characteristics of the source material [MASSCHELEYN ET AL 1991, IRGOLIC 1994, BERGFELDT 1995, HIRNER ET AL. 2000, HAURY 2001). Although of great environmental importance, little is known about the role of pH-redox conditions in the mobility and speciation of As in mine waste materials. Moreover, there are disagreements in the literature data.

The aim of this study is to clarify the effects of different pH and redox conditions on the mobility and speciation of As by using a tailing waste from former tin-ore processing in Gottesberg (Erzgebirge, Germany). These flotation residues (approx. 400,000 t) are poor in sulphur compounds but highly polluted by As. The As concentration in the solid ranges from 500-1 ,500 mg/kg, and As is released into the ground and surface waters in concentrations up to 1 mg/I.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Voigt, K., Pechová, L., Seidel, H. (2003):
Effects of different Ph and redox conditions on mobility of arsenic in a tailing material
ConSoil 2003: Proceedings of the 8th International FZK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil, ICC Gent, Belgium, 12-16 May 2003
F&U confirm, Leipzig, 3371 - 3375