Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1065/uwsf2002.05.026
Title (Primary) DDT und Metabolite in Sedimenten Berliner Gewässer - Vorkommen, Analytik und Schädigungspotenzial
Author Schulze, T. ORCID logo ; Wetterauer, B.; Schwarzbauer, J.; Hollert, H.; Braunbeck, T.; Ricking, M.
Source Titel Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung
Year 2003
Department WANA
Volume 15
Issue 2
Page From 71
Page To 77
Language deutsch
Keywords Berlin; cytotoxicity; DDT; endocrine disruptors; Havel River; metabolism; Oncorhynchus mykiss; organochlorine pesticides; sediments, Teltow Channel; Spree River; toxicity; Cytotoxizität; DDT; endokrine Wirkung; Havel; Metabolismus; Oncorhynchus mykiss; Organochlorpestizide; Sedimente; Spree; Teltowkanal; Toxizität; urbane Gebiete, Belastung
Abstract Sediment samples from rivers and lakes of Berlin (Germany) were analysed for their contamination with organic compounds by means of qualitative and quantitative GC/MS analysis. The principal compounds detected were PAH, organotin derivates, several classes of chlorinated, brominated and mixed halogenated compounds and some of their related metabolites. The DDT metabolites DDD, DDE, DDCN, DDMU and DDMS were the most abundant compounds of halogenated pesticides in a wide range of samples. The main metabolite determined was p,p'-DDD, with concentrations up to 1230 Myg/kg dw. The parent DDT compound was detected in only a few samples. The acute cytotoxicity of selected DDT-metabolites was determined with the permanent cell line RTG-2 from the gonads of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The results indicate a high cytotoxic potential of these metabolites. The oestrogenic potential was determined by the Dot-Blot/RNase-Protection-Assay an the order from o,p'-DDT > p,p'-DDMS > p,p'-DDMU > = p,p'-DDCN. Risk assessments based on chemical analysis of DDT, DDD and DDE alone is not able to estimate the real toxic potential of DDT and its metabolites. The development of a method for bioassay directed assessment seems to be an effective strategy to solve this problem. Especially scarce or not available data of combinatory effects, differences between different trophic levels and their availability to biota and low knowledge about the metabolism in situ as well as the enantioselectivecharacteristics of most chiral DDT metabolites warrant future analyses.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Schulze, T., Wetterauer, B., Schwarzbauer, J., Hollert, H., Braunbeck, T., Ricking, M. (2003):
DDT und Metabolite in Sedimenten Berliner Gewässer - Vorkommen, Analytik und Schädigungspotenzial
UWSF - Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 15 (2), 71 - 77 10.1065/uwsf2002.05.026