Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Conference papers
Title (Primary) Mobilisation of arsenic from tin mill tailings
Title (Secondary) Geochemical processes in soil and groundwater : measurement, modelling, upscaling ; GeoProc 2002 ; [Bremen from March 4 - 7, 2002]
Author Daus, B.; Mattusch, J.; Wennrich, R.; Morgenstern, P.; Fankhänel, U.; Weiß, H. ORCID logo
Publisher Schulz, H.D.; Hadeler, A.
Year 2003
Department ANA; GWS; SANA; PB IBFL
Page From 258
Page To 271
UFZ inventory Leipzig, Bibliothek, Reportsammlung, 00009430, 03-1584 F/E
Magdeburg, Bibliothek, Reportsammlung, 00430715, 05-0263 MA : RS
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Daus, B., Mattusch, J., Wennrich, R., Morgenstern, P., Fankhänel, U., Weiß, H. (2003):
Mobilisation of arsenic from tin mill tailings
In: Schulz, H.D., Hadeler, A. (eds.)
Geochemical processes in soil and groundwater : measurement, modelling, upscaling ; GeoProc 2002 ; [Bremen from March 4 - 7, 2002]
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 258 - 271