Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1080/03650340310001627577
Title (Primary) Influence of site conditions and management on different soil organic matter (SOM) pools. Einfluss von Standort und Bewirtschaftung auf Pools organischer Bodensubstanz (OBS)
Author Schulz, E.
Source Titel Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science
Year 2004
Department BOOEK
Volume 50
Issue 1
Page From 33
Page To 47
Language englisch
Keywords Soil Organic Matter (SOM); pools of SOM; hot water extraction; decomposable carbon; physical fractionation; accumulation of carbon

Basing on both a site gradient as well as a gradient in management intensities the influence of these factors on different SOM pools was investigated: (A) a very easily decomposable C pool, (B) a C pool which is related to clay fraction and representing a relatively inert pool, (C) a C pool which is not, or only loosely connected to the mineral soil part representing the intermediates between the extreme C pools (A) and (B). The decomposable C pool was measured by the parameter of hot water extractable carbon (HW-C). The clay related and not clay related SOM pools were isolated by a combined fractionation according to both particle sizes (clay fraction < 1 μm and 1 – 2 μm) and specific densities (light fraction < 1.8 g/cm3 and 1.8 – 2.0 g/cm3). Fertilization increases easily decomposable SOM pools reflected in C content of a hot water extractable SOM fraction and in mass of specific light SOM fractions but to a certain extent the C pool associated with clay minerals as well. At comparable management (fertilization) levels transformation conditions at a site (temperature and precipitation) have an influence on the accumulation of the decomposable SOM pool (effective biological transformation time – WMZ)

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Schulz, E. (2004):
Influence of site conditions and management on different soil organic matter (SOM) pools. Einfluss von Standort und Bewirtschaftung auf Pools organischer Bodensubstanz (OBS)
Arch. Agron. Soil Sci. 50 (1), 33 - 47 10.1080/03650340310001627577