Publication Details |
Category | Text Publication |
Reference Category | Journals |
DOI | 10.1016/j.tox.2004.06.055 |
Title (Primary) | Regionally contaminated aquifers - toxicological relevance and remediation options (Bitterfeld case study) |
Author | Heidrich, S.; Schirmer, M.; Weiß, H.
![]() |
Source Titel | Toxicology |
Year | 2004 |
Department | HDG; GWS |
Volume | 205 |
Issue | 3 |
Page From | 143 |
Page To | 155 |
Language | englisch |
Keywords | Bitterfeld; Chlorinated hydrocarbons; Contaminated groundwater; Megasite; Remediation technologies; Risk minimization |
Abstract | Large-scale contaminated megasites like Bitterfeld in eastern Germany are characterized by a regional contamination of soil, surface water and groundwater as a result of a long and varied history of chemical production. While the contaminants in soils and sediments mostly represent a localized problem, pollutants in groundwater may spread to uncontaminated areas and endanger receptors like surface water and drinking water wells according to the site-specific hydrologic regime. From the toxicological point of view, the contaminants at the Bitterfeld megasite represent a dangerous cocktail of various harmful substances coming from a multitude of sources. Appropriate remediation techniques must be able to remedy the specific problems arising from hot spot areas within the megasite in addition to preventing a further extension of the contaminated zone towards uncontaminated compartments. Therefore, a combination of specifically designed remediation technologies based on the pump and treat-principle with in situ technologies, such as reactive walls and monitored/enhanced natural attenuation, is necessary to efficiently address the miscellaneous challenges at this megasite. In this paper, the currently known contaminant distribution, the associated problems for human health and the environment and possible remediation strategies are presented for the Bitterfeld megasite. |
Persistent UFZ Identifier | |
Heidrich, S., Schirmer, M., Weiß, H., Wycisk, P., Grossmann, J., Kaschl, A. (2004): Regionally contaminated aquifers - toxicological relevance and remediation options (Bitterfeld case study) Toxicology 205 (3), 143 - 155 10.1016/j.tox.2004.06.055 |