Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1007/s11069-008-9244-4
Document Shareable Link
Title (Primary) A multicriteria approach for flood risk mapping exemplified at the Mulde river, Germany
Author Meyer, V.; Scheuer, S.; Haase, D.
Source Titel Natural Hazards
Year 2009
Department OEKON; CLE
Volume 48
Issue 1
Page From 17
Page To 39
Language englisch
Keywords Multicriteria analysis; Flood risk; Evaluation criteria; Risk maps; Criterion weights; Decision rules
Abstract In this paper we develop a GIS-based multicriteria flood risk assessment and mapping approach. This approach includes flood risks which are not measured in monetary terms; it shows the spatial distribution of multiple risks, and it is able to deal with uncertainties in criteria values and to show their influence on the overall flood risk assessment. Additionally, the approach can be used to show the spatial allocation of the flood effects if risk reduction measures are implemented. The approach is applied to a pilot study for the River Mulde in Saxony, Germany, heavily affected by the hazardous flood in 2002. Therefore, a GIS database of economic, social and environmental risk criteria was created. Two different multicriteria decision rules, a disjunctive and an additive weighting approach, are utilised for an overall flood risk assessment in the area. For implementation, a software tool (FloodCalc) was developed supporting both, the risk calculation of the single criteria as well as the multicriteria analysis.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Meyer, V., Scheuer, S., Haase, D. (2009):
A multicriteria approach for flood risk mapping exemplified at the Mulde river, Germany
Nat. Hazards 48 (1), 17 - 39 10.1007/s11069-008-9244-4