Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1007/s10640-004-6979-6
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Title (Primary) Spatially uniform versus spatially heterogeneous compensation payments for biodiversity-enhancing land-use measures
Author Wätzold, F.; Drechsler, M.
Source Titel Environmental & Resource Economics
Year 2005
Department OEKON; OESA
Volume 31
Issue 1
Page From 73
Page To 93
Language englisch
Abstract The importance of compensation payments for biodiversity-enhancing land-use measures has grown over the past decade, particularly in connection with agri-environmental policy. Given that both the costs and the benefits of biodiversity-enhancing land-use measures are subject to spatial variation, the criterion of cost-effectiveness calls for spatially heterogeneous compensation payments. However, when deciding whether to implement uniform or heterogeneous compensation payments, the regulator has to compare the disadvantage of uniform payments in terms of cost-effectiveness with the disadvantages of spatially heterogeneous payments. To help resolve this issue, this paper provides a simple ecological-economic model that allows the reduced cost-effectiveness associated with uniform payments for biodiversity-enhancing land-use measures to be assessed for different types of benefit and cost functions.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Wätzold, F., Drechsler, M. (2005):
Spatially uniform versus spatially heterogeneous compensation payments for biodiversity-enhancing land-use measures
Environ. Resour. Econ. 31 (1), 73 - 93 10.1007/s10640-004-6979-6