Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Conference papers
Title (Primary) Evaluating students' systems thinking and system dynamics skills a systematic comparison at multiple educational levels
Title (Secondary) 6th Systems science European Congress, 19.-22.9.2005, Paris
Author Langfelder, H.; Kasperidus, H.D.; Biber, P.
Source Titel Res-Systemica
Year 2005
Department SUV
Volume 5
Language englisch
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Langfelder, H., Kasperidus, H.D., Biber, P. (2005):
Evaluating students' systems thinking and system dynamics skills a systematic comparison at multiple educational levels
6th Systems science European Congress, 19.-22.9.2005, Paris
Res-Systemica 5
Association Française de Science des Systèmes (AFSCET), Paris,