Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2004.12.006
Title (Primary) Scenarios of water resources management in the Lower Lusatian mining district, Germany
Author Koch, H.; Kaltofen, M.; Grünewald, G.; Messner, F.; Karkuschke, M.; Zwirner, O.; Schramm, M.
Source Titel Ecological Engineering
Year 2005
Department OEKON; NSF
Volume 24
Issue 1-2
Page From 49
Page To 57
Language englisch
Keywords Global change; Sustainable development; Water resource management; Economic evaluation; Multi-criteria analysis; Integrated assessment procedure; Scenario analysis
Abstract The Spree and Schwarze Elster river catchments have been heavily influenced by excessive open-cast lignite mining for 100 years. The extent of the problem, concerning water quantity and quality, is a threat for the ecosystems and the commercial water users of the region and other areas located downstream. Climate change and socio-economic trends of global change may aggravate the conflicts. Scenarios of future development with specific adaptation measures are derived and modelled, using an “integrated assessment procedure”. The methodological procedure and the models used are presented in this paper while first results are provided and future work is described.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Koch, H., Kaltofen, M., Grünewald, G., Messner, F., Karkuschke, M., Zwirner, O., Schramm, M. (2005):
Scenarios of water resources management in the Lower Lusatian mining district, Germany
Ecol. Eng. 24 (1-2), 49 - 57 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2004.12.006