Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2005.01374.x
Title (Primary) Nitrogen supply affects arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of Artemisia vulgaris in a phosphate-polluted field site
Author Blanke, V.; Renker, C.; Wagner, M.; Füllner, K.; Held, M.; Kuhn, A.J.; Buscot, F.
Source Titel New Phytologist
Year 2005
Department BOOEK
Volume 166
Issue 3
Page From 981
Page To 992
Language englisch
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    Root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) was investigated in industrially polluted grassland characterized by exceptionally high phosphorus levels (up to 120 g kg−1 soil).

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    Along a pollution-induced nitrogen gradient, soil and tissue element concentrations of Artemisia vulgaris plants and their mycorrhizal status were determined. Additionally, we compared mycorrhization rates and above-ground biomass of A. vulgaris at N-fertilized and control plots in the N-poor area.

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    Despite high soil and tissue P concentrations, plants from N-deficient plots, which were characterized by low tissue N concentrations and N : P ratios, were strongly colonized by AMF, whereas at a plot with comparable P levels, but higher soil and plant N concentrations and N : P ratios, mycorrhization rates were significantly lower. Correlation analyses revealed a negative relationship between percentage root colonization of A. vulgaris by AMF and both tissue N concentration and N : P ratio. Accordingly, in the fertilization experiment, control plants had higher mycorrhization rates than N-fertilized plants, whereas the species attained higher biomass at N-fertilized plots.

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    The results suggest that N deficiency stimulates root colonization by AMF in this extraordinarily P-rich field site.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Blanke, V., Renker, C., Wagner, M., Füllner, K., Held, M., Kuhn, A.J., Buscot, F. (2005):
Nitrogen supply affects arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of Artemisia vulgaris in a phosphate-polluted field site
New Phytol. 166 (3), 981 - 992 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2005.01374.x