Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1021/es0602593
Title (Primary) New perspectives on perfluorochemical ecotoxicology: inhibition and induction of an efflux transporter in the marine mussel, Mytilus californianus
Author Stevenson, C.N.; MacManus-Spencer, L.A.; Luckenbach, T. ORCID logo ; Luthy, R.G.; Epel, D.
Source Titel Environmental Science & Technology
Year 2006
Department ZELLTOX
Volume 40
Issue 17
Page From 5580
Page To 5585
Language englisch
Abstract The toxicological effects of perfluoroalkyl acids on the p-glycoprotein (p-gp) cellular efflux transporter were investigated using the marine mussel Mytilus californianus as a model system. Four of the perfluoroalkyl acids studied exhibit chemosensitizing behavior, significantly inhibiting p-gp transporter activity. The inhibitory potency is maximal for the longer chain acids perfluorononanoate (PFNA) and perfluorodecanoate (PFDA), with average IC50 values of 4.8 and 7.1 M, respectively. Results indicate that PFNA inhibits p-gp by an indirect mechanism, and this inhibition is reversible and accompanied by a rapid loss of PFNA from the tissue. In addition, PFNA induces expression of the p-gp transporter after a 2-h exposure, a stress response that may result in a metabolic cost to the organism. Given that most organisms, including humans, share efflux transporters as a first line of defense against toxicants, the results of this study may have broader implications for the ecotoxicology of perfluoroalkyl acids.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Stevenson, C.N., MacManus-Spencer, L.A., Luckenbach, T., Luthy, R.G., Epel, D. (2006):
New perspectives on perfluorochemical ecotoxicology: inhibition and induction of an efflux transporter in the marine mussel, Mytilus californianus
Environ. Sci. Technol. 40 (17), 5580 - 5585 10.1021/es0602593