Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
Title (Primary) Effects of phosphite on phosphorus supply and growth of corn (Zea mays)
Author Schroetter, S.; Angeles-Wedler, D.; Kreuzig, R.; Schnug, E.
Source Titel Landbauforschung Völkenrode
Year 2006
Department TUCHEM
Volume 56
Issue 3-4
Page From 87
Page To 99
Language englisch
Abstract Phosphites are alkali salts of phosphorous acid, e.g. potassium phosphite, which are widely used as fungicides. Recently, phosphite-containing formulations claim to contribute to the phosphorus (P) supply of horticultural crops, too. In this study, therefore, the efficiency of potassium phosphite as a P source for maize plants has been studied in selected plots of a long-term field trial and in a pot experiment. For the simultaneous determination of phosphate and phosphite, an analytical method was developed that based on ion chromatography including a solid phase extraction step to eliminate co-extractants of the water extracts. In the field trial, the growth responses of maize to phosphite foliar application led to severe negative growth effects when applied to plants grown under sub-optimal P nutrition. However, this detrimental effect was lower when phosphite was applied to maize under sufficient P nutrition. These tendencies matched the results of the pot experiment. An inhibited growth of the maize plants was observed, after potassium phosphite was applied as the sole P source. The negative effects ranged from a stunted growth of the plants to the complete die off. The detection of phosphite in the harvested maize plants also indicated that an oxidation to phosphate did not occur. Hence, phosphite was not available to the plants as a P source
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Schroetter, S., Angeles-Wedler, D., Kreuzig, R., Schnug, E. (2006):
Effects of phosphite on phosphorus supply and growth of corn (Zea mays)
Landbauforsch. Volk. 56 (3-4), 87 - 99